Instruct brief – July 2016

Dec-July ongoing

Ondrej Hradil (Instruct-CZ), Dave Stuart (Director), Lucia Banci (Instruct-IT), Jose Maria Carazo (Instruct-ES), Gunter Schneider (Instruct-SE) and Susan Daenke (Hub Coordinator) continued their work within the Instruct Business group. Next meeting will take place in Brussels 8th of September.

20-22 April

2nd May

Susan Daenke participated in the CORBEL retreat in Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire “Ensure continued alignment of CORBEL with BMS RI strategic drivers” (Instruct and Infrafrontier co-leads CORBEL WP5).

Narayanan Krishnan joined the Instruct Hub as CORBEL Developer to work on a joint solution for access spanning the BMS Research Infrastructures on the ESFRI Roadmap and the Landmark Projects.

3rd May

Oxford Particle Imaging Centre utilise facility management services from ARIA by Instruct to manage usage of high-end cryo-EM instruments.

11th – 13th May

Lorraine Gough (Finance Officer) participated of the EMTRAIN general assembly

16th of May

Astbury Biostructure Laboratory, University of Leeds rolled out facility management powered by ARIA to support access to their high-end EM and NMR machines as well as local facility management and booking.

18th of May

Susan Daenke participated of iNEXT Management Committee

24th of May

Claudia Alén Amaro (Instruct Project Manager) and Narayanan Krishnan chaired the video conference of West-Life Workpackage 2. West-Life is an initiative to develop a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) in the e-Infrastructure programme (EINFRA-9-2015), of which Instruct is a beneficiary partner.

31at of May

Susan Daenke and Callum Smith (Instruct Developer) participated of AARC2/CORBEL meeting in Paris to plan a joint workshop in preparation for AARC2, of which Instruct and CORBEL are both beneficiary partner applicants.

31at of May

Narayanan Krishnan and Susan Daenke participated of CORBEL Workpackage 4 teleconference.

31at of May

Narayanan Krishnan and Susan Daenke participated of CORBEL Workpackage 5-7-8-9 teleconference.

9th of June

Narayanan Krishnan and Claudia Alén Amaro participated of West-Life Operational Committee videoconference.

14th June

The Instruct training committee lead by Lucia Banci opened the call for the training courses to be organised in 2017. Instruct offers a range of workshops delivered at Instruct Centres by internationally recognised experts. The committee also approved the opening of the call for the 2016 Internship programme.

15th of June

Meeting at the Instruct Hub of the Instruct Academic Services Ltd Board of Directors with Susan Daenke and Claudia Alén Amaro supporting.

21at of June

Narayanan Krishnan and Susan Daenke participated of CORBEL Executive Committee.

28th of June

Claudia Alén Amaro participated at a stakeholders meeting organised by the European Commission to discuss Horizon 2020 calls management so far.

4at of July

A new call for proposals for Instruct pilot R&D projects was open with the approval of the Instruct Executive Committee. For more information and to apply please click here.

5at of July

Claudia Alén Amaro presented a poster on Instruct Research Infrastructure access management at the Oxford Research Support and Innovation Conference

8th of July

Naranayan Krishnan and Callum Smith participated on a West-Life authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI) discussion to present learning from ARIA AAI and discuss options to ensure user-communities are engaged to the virtual research environment (VRE).

11th of July

Susan Daenke participated at the Portugal Affiliate Centre Meeting (PCISBIO) in Lisbon. Success stories from Instruct users were presented. One of them is summarised here

13th of July

14th of July

The UK Host Ministry delegate MRC hosted a meeting of the Ministry representatives of all Instruct Member countries to work towards the preparation of the step 2 application for ERIC status. Harry Tuinder for the European Commission joined by teleconference to express the positive feedback on the Step 1 application submitted in January.

AARC2 grant proposal progressed to the Grant agreement stage on the European Commission participant portal.

21st of July

Instruct, Euro-BioImaging and CORBEL met to discuss the implementation of ARIA to host the an Open call for pilot multi-RI applications and the opportunity for EuBI application management to be hosted by ARIA through collaborative ongoing development.

Upcoming events:

8th September

Instruct Business Working Group

9th of September

Instruct Executive Committee

10-13th September

Instruct and iNEXT will have a stand at the EMBO meeting (Tassos Perrakis and Claudia Alén Amaro )

21st September

Instruct Council videoconference

28th-30th September

Digital infrastructure for Research Conference (Callum Smith and Narayanan Krishnan)

3rd to 5th October

ICRI 2016 – South Africa (Instruct Director, Prof David Stuart and Instruct Coordinator, Susan Daenke)

More about these and other news at or everyday on Twitter @Instructhub

Past ( newsletters are available on our website