Instruct-ERIC Events

NCCAT Single Particle Shortcourse

Registration Date: 26-Nov-2019 to 01-Dec-2019
Date: 02-Mar-2020 to 07-Mar-2020

Contact: Marysa Chapman

NCCAT will be offering a 1 week workshop focused on the theory and practice of single-particle analysis. The mornings will have lectures and stimulating round table discussions. The afternoons provide hands-on practicals to reinforce fundamental concepts and topics covered earlier in the day.

Day 1: Monday, March 2, 2020
Roundtable: Welcome
Lecture 1: Keynote – Intro and overview of SPA – Joachim Frank (Columbia University)
Lecture 2: cryoVR sample preparation – Brenda Gonzalez & Jiahui Dong (Purdue University)
Practical 1: Support films and grids
Practical 2: Plunge freezers and Chameleon

Day 2: Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Lecture 3: Microscopes – SEMC staff
Roundtable: Facility building
Practical 3: TEM microscopes

Day 3: Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Lecture 4: Algorithms and foundational math – Fred Sigworth (Yale University)
Lecture 5: Data Analysis and reconstruction workflow – Amedee des Georges (ASRC/CUNY)
Roundtable: Current algorithms to deal with SPA
Practical 4: SPA RELION/cryoSPARC (in the cloud using AWS)

Day 4: Thursday, March 5, 2020
Lecture 6: Interpretation and Limitations – Rich Hite (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
Lecture 7: Validation Methods – Tom Walz (Rockefeller University)
Roundtable: EM challenges and new frontiers
Practical 5: SPA RELION/cryoSPARC (in the cloud cont)
Lecture 8: EMDataResource: Structure Data Archiving, Validation Challenges – Cathy Lawson (Rutgers University)
Practical 6: Validation methods – 3DFSC
Group dinner

Day 5: Friday, March 6, 2020
Lecture 9: Moderate resolution interpretation – Gira Bhabha & Damien Ekiert (New York University)
Lecture 10: Fitting Atomic Models – Oli Clarke (Columbia Univerisity)
Roundtable: Making biological conclusions from cryoEM reconstructions.
Practical 7: Coot and model building
Roundtable: Farewell

For further information or to apply for a place, click here.

NCCAT, 89 Convent Avenue, New York, United States

NCCAT Single Particle Shortcourse